четвер, 5 листопада 2015 р.

Відео урок

The subject: My Favorite Style of Music.
 The objectives: to practice  the vocabulary on the topic “Music” and Future  Indefinite Passive Voice; to do grammar and lexical exercises; to work with the text “Beatles”;  to discuss the different styles of music; to work in pairs and groups; to develop students’ listening, speaking and reading skills; to enhance students’ cognitive abilities and memory; to cultivate students’ aesthetic taste and bring students closer to the world of music; to educate pupil’s policultivation.
The equipment: projection screen, tape recorder, CDs, pictures, handouts.
I. The beginning of the lesson
1. Greeting.
T: Stand up, please, and greet our guests!
    Sit down and keep still, please! Is everybody ready to start?
2. Phonetic drill.
Let’s train the tongues and recollect the words have learned on the previous lessons. So, look at the blackboard and read after me refreshment, accompanied,
Inspiration, enjoyable, spectacular, bagpipes, enchanted.
Let’s consist the sentences using these words.
   1. Music offers up refreshment from our daily routine. (Музика приносить 
       відпочинок від наших щоденних рутин).
   2. Music has accompanied people through the ages with wonderful melodies and
       songs. (Музика супроводжувала людей століттями чудовими мелодіями та
   3. Many pieces of music are the main sources of inspiration for creative persons.
      (Багато музичних композицій є головними джерелами натхнення для творчих особистостей).
   4. We were not enchanted by these tunes. (Ми не були зачаровані цими мело діями).
   5. The bagpipes are the Scottish national musical instrument. (Волинка -
       шотландський національний музичний інструмент).
   6. The stage design was spectacular, wasn't it? (Дизайн сцени був живописний, чи не так?).
   7. Was it an enjoyable evening? (Чи був це приємний вечір?).
3. Warming-up.
Now, let’s listen to the poem (one pupil tell the poem “Music”)
What is the poem about?
II. The main body
4. Make known the subject and the objectives
So the topic for today’s lesson is “My Favorite Style of Music”, today we
will  practice  the vocabulary on the topic “Music” and Future  Indefinite Passive Voice; do grammar and lexical exercises;  work with the text “Beatles”;   discuss the different styles of music; work in pairs and groups;  develop listening, speaking and reading skills;  enhance  cognitive abilities and memory; cultivate aesthetic taste and bring  closer to the world of music.

5. Speaking
T:  Tell me, please, what is music for you?
P1: Music makes me think of people and places we love.
P2: It can evoke my forgotten events and feelings.
P3: I think music is a beauty in sounds.
P4: For me music is my mood.
P5: I am sure that music is the soul of the world.
T: All right! There are different musical styles. What styles do you know?
(The pupils show their works (presentations) )
P1: Rap or hip-hop is a style of African-American music, in which the words are
      spoken, not sung.
P2: Pop music is a style of popular music. It is any form of music which is popular
      and can include any style.
P3: Blues is traditional Black American music. “Blue” means “sad”, and many blues
      songs are about how hard life is.
P4: Jazz is a musical style that originated at the beginning of the 20-th century in
      African American communities in the Southern United States. It was born out of 
      a mix of African and European music traditions.
P5: Rock'n'Roll is a style of popular music that originated in the United States
      primarily from a combination of African American blues, country, jazz and gospel music.
P6: Classical music is the art music produced in the traditions of secular music.
6. Reading.
The pupils of our form have done the exploration about musical tastes the pupils of their form . Now they tell you about it. 
1)Pre-reading activity.
T: Read the text about The Beatles by yourselves and say when The Beatles appeared.
     2) Reading (Додаток 1).
     3) Post-reading activity.
T: So, when did The Beatles appear?
Ps: In the 1960s.
T: Right you are! Now do your test according to the text. There is just one right
    answer in each point. You have two minutes (Додаток 1).
Keys: 1. b, 2. a, 3. b, 4. c, 5. a, 6. c, 7. a.
The minute of relax
You know that Katia plays violin very well let’s listen to the playing  and little relax.
      7. Listening (слайди 8-9).
T: Thank you very much! Now look at this presentation, please! Do you know this
Ps: The Beatles.
T: Right you are! What style did they play?
Ps: Rock'n'Roll.
T: What their songs do you know?
Ps: 'Yesterday', 'Lemon Tree', 'Yellow Submarine'.
T: I propose you to listen to the song “Yesterday' and fill in the gaps. There are
    some words and phrases that will help you. Use them!
T: Let's check your work! Read the song (Додаток 2).
8. Speaking.
T: Today I have a surprise for you. Meet one of the members of the Beatles – Paul
Paul: Hello, my friends! Thank you very much!
T: Paul, tell us, please, some facts about yourself.
Paul: I was born on the 18-th of June in 1942 in Liverpool, England. My mother      worked as a nurse in hospital, my father was a trumpet player and pianist. I have one  brother Michael. Our father encouraged us to be musical. As you know I was a member of the groups The Beatles and Wings.
T: Now you have a chance to ask Paul some questions.
P1: Do you play left-handed with your guitar?
Paul: Yes, I do. As I am left-handed, I find right-handed guitars difficult to play.
P2: What was your first song?
Paul: My first song was 'I lost My Little Girl'.
P3: You were heavily influenced by American Rhythm and Blues music, weren't you?
Paul: Yes, I was. I was fond of this style and liked to listen to Rhythm and Blues
P4: Is 'Yesterday' or 'Lemon Tree' your song?
Paul: I am the author of 'Yesterday'.
P5: How many children do you have?
Paul: I have five children: four daughters and one son.
T: Lucky you are, Paul! Thank you!
IX. Writing .
T: Let's revise the formation of the Future Simple Passive Voice. How do we form it?
P1: We form the Future Simple Passive Voice by means of will, the verb to be and the third form of the main verb. The person (subject) is passive.
T: You are right! Put the verbs in brackets into the Future Simple Passive Voice and translate them. Open your copy-books and write down today's date.
1) A poster ____________ (to draw) by me next week.
   A poster will be drawn by me next week. (Плакат буде намальований мною
  наступного тижня).
2) This room ____________ (to decorate) in two days.
     This room will be decorated in two days. (Ця кімната буде прикрашена через
     два дні).
3) What _____________ (to publish) next month?
   What will be published next month? (Що буде опубліковано наступного місяця?)
4) They _______ not ________ (to meet) tomorrow.
     They won't be met tomorrow. (Вони не будуть зустрінуті завтра).
5) _______ the dictionary ______ (to use) while reading the text in English?
    Will the dictionary be used while reading the text in English? (Словник буде використовуватись під час читання англійською мовою?)
X. Summarizing.
T: You were ready for today's lesson and worked good. So, your marks are …
XI. Homework.
T: Open your day-books, please, and write down your homework. You have to tell
    about your favourite music style and its representatives for the next lesson.

(Додаток 1)
Listen to the song 'Yesterday' and fill in the gaps. There are some words and phrases that will help you. Use them!
1) I said something wrong,
2) Oh, I believe in yesterday
3) I said something wrong,
 4) Now I need a place to hide away

All my troubles seemed so far away
Now it looks as though they're here to stay
Oh, I believe in yesterday

I'm not half the man I used to be
There's a shadow hanging over me
Oh, yesterday came suddenly

Why she had to go I don't know,
She wouldn't say
I said something wrong,
Now I long for yesterday

Love was such an easy game to play
Now I need a place to hide away
Oh, I believe in yesterday

Why she had to go I don't know,
She wouldn't say
I said something wrong,
Now I long for yesterday
(Додаток 1)                                  The Beatles.
British musical group appeared in the 1960s. The principal members were Paul McCartney (in full Sir James Paul McCartney; born June 18, 1942, Liverpool,  England), John Lennon (born February 25, 1943, Liverpool), and Ringo Starr (by name of Richard Starkey; born July 7, 1940, Liverpool). 
First they performed together in Liverpool in 1957. The group played American rock-and-roll. Throughout the winter and the spring of 1963, the Beatles continued their rise to fame. Those four young men were loved by thousands of people especially girls. A new word “Bitlomania” appeared in the vocabulary. Their songs: pop ballad “Yesterday”, hard rock song “Tomorrow Never Knows”, folk tune “Norwegian Wood” and many others were extremely popular. They were awarded by the Queen. To great regret of their fans the Beatles parted in 1971. In 1980 a big tragedy happened: John Lennon was killed. Today the Beatles are as popular as they were many years ago.
(Додаток 1)   Read and choose the right answer:
1. The main members of  the Beatles were:
a)     Elvis Presley, John Lennon, Ringo Starr;
b)    Paul McCartney, John Lennon, Ringo Starr;
c)     Paul McCartney, John Lennon, Frank Sinatra.
2. First they performed together in:
a)     Liverpool;
b)    London;
c)     New York.
3. The real Ringo Starr’s name is:
a)     Roald Smith;
b)    Richard Starkey;
c)     Dave Martin.
4. The Beatles played:
a)     Classical music;
b)    Ragby;
c)     Rock-and-roll.
5. They were awarded by:
a)     The Queen;
b)    People;
c)     The President.
6. This group parted in:
a)     1957;
b)    1980;
c)     1971.

7. One of the most popular hits by the Beatles is:
a)     “Yesterday”;
b)    “I Will Survive”; c) “Love me Tender”
Put the verbs in brackets into the Future Simple Passive Voice and translate them. Open your copy-books and write down today's date.
1) A poster ____________ (to draw) by me next week.
   A poster will be drawn by me next week. (Плакат буде намальований мною
  наступного тижня).
2) This room ____________ (to decorate) in two days.
     This room will be decorated in two days. (Ця кімната буде прикрашена через
     два дні).
3) What _____________ (to publish) next month?
   What will be published next month? (Що буде опубліковано наступного місяця?)
4) They _______ not ________ (to meet) tomorrow.
     They won't be met tomorrow. (Вони не будуть зустрінуті завтра).
5) _______ the dictionary ______ (to use) while reading the text in English?
    Will the dictionary be used while reading the text in English? (Словник буде використовуватись під час читання англійською мовою?)

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